CSTEK is committed to the researching, development and manufacture of book binding after printing. With its long-term experience and leading innovative development and technologies, CSTEK not only excels at superior productivity, but also builds many top quality binding machines. These factors make CSTEK become a global leader in the production of binding machines, but the success of CSTEK is not only limited by this.

CSTEK’s innovation is continuously, new technologies and ideas into the simple binding life. CSTEK has always been to provide customers instant service to maintain the product quality and process control. At the same time, improve the simple binding experience with feedback from the market through service systems and resources all over the world, whether in the office, in a digital printing shop, or in a small binding factory. CSTEK binding machine spread into all over the world, but also for marketing the manufacturing of Taiwan.

CSTEK-WireMac is the top brand for bookbinding machines, leading the entire binding industry. Simple, efficient and user- recognition from worldwide. The genuine value of CSTEK-WireMac ----- a simple binding machine for you, to bind the simple life ----- "WireMac it easy."